Aiden's Fearless Spirit Session
I did fairy portraits of Aiden several years ago. So, I was super-excited to have her on the Fearless Spirit Model Crew. I customize all of our sessions. Aiden loves to paint. So, what better way to show that than painting her own dress?! We painted a design she came up with onto a large canvas tarp. Not exactly the softest material but...SHE is the ART on this canvas. I always try to allow fate to lead me to the locations during these sessions...and it never fails me. I suggested we go to Bergey's Bread Basket because the other place we went didn't work out. Well, it turns out that Aiden grew up going to Bergey's and had a lot of memories there. I found places there that I had never seen before. It was perfect!
#fearlessspirit #befearless #liveyourstory #bergeysbreadbasket #artist #paintingdresses #somuchmorethanphotos #turnoffthenoise #everythinghappensforareason #gladwedidntgotojail
What Aiden's Mom had to say about the Fearless Spirit Model Crew:
The Fearless Spirit Model experience has left a lasting impression on our entire family! When our daughter was little, she was full of light and self confidence; she was so sure of herself and we always admired her tenacious spirit. Somewhere along the way, as she grew into the teenaged years, she lost so much of that spark and self love that we had always admired. She began hiding herself behind baggy clothes and stopped any effort to make new friends or try new things; she spent the majority of her spare time isolated from the family. When this modeling opportunity arose, I felt such a strong pull at my heart strings to do whatever I could to make this happen for her. The verbiage that caught my eye, in Casey’s email, spoke about young girls who felt ‘less than’ or who’d experienced bullying or had such a negative self image they began closing themselves off, and I knew that this was so much more than a ‘Glamour Shots’ session.
After a heart to heart, our daughter agreed to give it a try and acknowledged that she was feeling like she couldn’t measure up to her peers, physically or mentally, and that this may help her confidence. We jumped in and after our first session we began seeing the changes we prayed for; she was smiling more, holding her head a little higher, shedding the hoodie and becoming more engaged in family conversations. Casey is so encouraging throughout each session and the other FSMC girls begin to support each other with that same spirit of positivity. Each young lady is so different from the other, but they all hide inner scars from their life-experiences and they begin bonding over similar hurts, (bullying, eating disorders, low self esteem, etc) and the differences they had soon become irrelevant.
This experience taught our daughter to not only see herself through our eyes, but to also see others as warriors, each going through private and unseen battles, and all deserving of love and respect. We are so proud of how far our girl has come and we are forever grateful to Casey and this Fearless Spirit program for fostering an environment filled with love, acceptance and community. I promise you, this will change your daughter’s life in such beautiful ways, that it will rub off on anyone who knows her! Thank you Casey, for creating a new generation of empowered, generous and intentional young women!